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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Harry

Member#: 186
Registered: 14-04-2003
Diary Entries: 418

9th August 2003
Windsurfing: Jericoacoara, Brazil
Wind Direction: SE
Wind Stength: 30 knots+
Surf / Sea State: Waves/confused chop/swell
Air Temperature: Scorchio!
Sea Temperature: Scorchio!
Weather: Mucho Sol
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Was determined to continue yesterday´s good work so went out despite it being bang on high tide. Big mistake, no way am I doing that again. Launching and landing was an absolute nightmare and took bloody ages, with the sharp stones covered in water so you can´t see them and the huge wind shadow. Plus impossible to stand up on the inside and very messy water state.

Definitely one of the windiest days since I have been here. Overpowered on both board and sail and was struggling as a result. Nothing really went right and to rub it in an annoying Frenchie who arrived yesterday had great fun shouting/gloating at me every time he went past me when I was in the water. To top off a great session (no really....) I found out when I came off the water my sail had ripped near the top. Arse.

Gets 2 stars but only because it was very windy.
Toys Used:
F2 Axxis 261, 85L
Arrows Irokee 4.6



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